Classes, Courses & Workshops
Participants on the 8 week Mindfulness course
Here you will find a listing of the various meditation classes, courses and workshops that I currently offer.
8 week mindfulness based cognitive therapy (mbct)
We call the kind of moment-to-moment awareness invoked by tuning into your breath and to every other aspect of your life MINDFULNESS. It is developed by purposefully paying attention in a non-judgmental way, to what is going on in your body and mind, and in the world around us. Staying in touch in this way from one moment to the next, this shift in awareness, may lead to seeing things somewhat differently, perhaps to feeling less stuck, or to a sense of having more options, more strength and more confidence in your possibilities, more wisdom…
This course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting the most out of living. The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:
an increased ability to relax
greater energy and enthusiasm for life
heightened self-confidence
an increased ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations.
The aim of the programme is to learn new ways to handle challenging physical sensations, feelings, moods or social interactions.
Cost £TBC - includes all 8 (2 1/2 hours) sessions, full day workshop (4 hours) audio files and workbook, and ongoing 1-1 support between sessions if needed
8 Week mindfuless based compassionate living (MBCL)
Mindfulness involves learning to be more aware of life as it unfolds moment by moment. But what if these moments bring us or those around us difficulty, pain, or suffering? This is a challenge we will all face at some time in our lives, and which the healthcare professions face every day. The key is to learn how to meet life not only with mindfulness but also with “heartfulness”, in other words compassion.
Every human being has a capacity for compassion. It is a universal human quality, inherently present in everyone, but, for many reasons, often not fully cultivated. Fortunately, compassion can be developed and deepened through practice, and this is the aim of compassion training. Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) is a training programme developed by Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster, integrating the work of experts in the field such as Paul Gilbert, Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer, and Tara Brach, for those who wish to learn how to deal in a healthy way with pain, stress or suffering, in whatever form it presents – physical, mental, emotional or relational. Those already familiar with mindfulness practice can deepen the healing effects of mindfulness with the help of this programme, which offers practices in cultivating compassion towards ourselves and others.
This course is for anyone who has completed a recognised 8-Week Mindfulness course and would like to deepen their meditation practice.
Cost = £TBC - includes all 8 (2 1/2 hour) sessions, full day workshop, audio files, and ongoing 1-1 support between sessions if needed (workbook for this course needs to be purchased separately).
Buddhist philosophy and meditation - 6 month course
For those who have already completed a recognised 8 Week Mindfulness Course, or have a well established meditation practice, this 6 month course offers a deeper dive into the roots of Buddhist meditation and its philosophical underpinnings. Topics to be discussed include:
The 4 noble truths
The 8 fold noble path
Buddhist ethics and morality
The nature of the self (ego)
The history and development of Buddhism
The roots of suffering and the way to freedom
Cause and effect - dependent origination
Meditations on impermanence and mortality
The importance of concentration and insight
How to work with obstacles along the path
Sessions will be a mix of guided meditations and philosophical discussion. All themes addressed will have a practical application to the meditation practice and our lives in general.
Cost = £TBC - includes all materials, audio files, and ongoing 1-1 support (there will also be an optional face to face meet up at some point in the course)
For any of the above courses, please email me at hello@justiniles.co.uk for a booking form
Other Meditation Related Services
Corporate & Organisational Workshops
I offer a variety of bespoke workshops and staff development programmes to businesses, schools and organisations which introduce mindfulness practices and help people develop skills in applying them within their own context. These can be a great fit for employee wellness or to help students manage stress. Please give me a call to discuss your requirements.
One-to-one meditation tuition
For anyone seeking a more personalised approach I offer one to one support in developing a meditation practice tailored to you and your current needs.